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Destiny's Delta Restoration Custom Panel for Deep Sleep & Relaxation

Destiny's Delta Restoration Custom Panel for Deep Sleep & Relaxation


Destiny's 'Delta Restoration' Custom Panel promotes deep, restful sleep, allowing the body to restore a healthy state of 'being' while enjoying in a deep state of relaxation.  Destiny has created a beautiful guided meditation video to accompany this powerful, restorative Custom Panel.  Please click here for guided meditation.


Delta Restoration Description:

Delta brainwaves are the deepest level you can get to, and the deep sleep they bring has amazing benefits. Sleep is a regenerative period where your body heals and repairs itself. Delta Sleep enhances the restorative physical healing power of your body. Deep relaxation into delta wave sleep sometimes requires a little more than just sleeping 8 hours a night...this custom panel will help you easily get into the delta waves your brain needs in order to maintain all the benefits that your body is willing to give you.
Along with this custom panel you will also receive a free complimentary guider meditation video specifically for this delta restoration. This video includes delta waves in the background of Destinys voice guiding you through blissful restoration.  Listed here are some of the contents of this Custom Panel.
Plant Medicine Info:
FAVA (Broad bean)
A great source of natural HGH (human growth hormone). Fava beans have the highest amount of L-dopa of any plant. L-dopa, a brain neurotransmitter, helps control hypertension and Parkinsons disease and stimulates the pituitary gland to produce Human Growth Hormone (HGH) -the most powerful anti aging substance known that keeps everything working smoothly in your body like when you were a teenager. HGH Improves athletic performance, strength, muscle mass. Fava beans help women with hormone issues, PMS, menopause. Since the pituitary gland controls the entire endocrine system, it also affects thyroid, sex hormones, adrenals (energy), immune system. Contains vitamin B17, known as the cancer-beating vitamin. Protects against malaria. Very high in fiber and oliosaccharides. Favas have potassium which helps maintain blood pressure and regulate the heart. Lots of vitamin A for healthy skin, good vision and bone development. Helps lower LDL- bad cholesterol. A small handful has TEN GRAMS of protein. Low fat content helps bodybuilders stay lean while gaining muscle. Want natural growth hormones? Fava Beans!
This common domestic flower is actually a wonderful sweetener. Geranium’s gentle flower energy helps regulate endocrine and hormone balance, sleep and mood.


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average rating is 4.5 out of 5, based on 150 votes, People love it

Marilyn Lamoureux

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Custom Panel Testimonial

I have a testimony regarding my knees. I have scar tissue and inflammation which the Doc says i have arthritis in the knees. Anyway since using the scar tissue and bone support panels it had done wonders to really help out my knees. They are much better and I can dig potatoes and carrots etc with pushing the fork down with my feet which would of regularly been in severe pain and wouldn't be able to hardly walk as it would trigger or irritate that inflammation in the knees. I am much better in traveling in the car. As normally i would of had very stiff knees trying to get out of the vehicle. But as i said they are improving a lot which is exciting to know i can keep using the panels and keep seeing results.

Thanks for caring to help make our health better.


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