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Mission Statement
Quantum LIFE is dedicated to creating more health in the world. We are committed to furthering knowledge and understanding about the benefits of bioenergetic technologies, in order to facilitate a fundamental shift in the delivery of healthcare worldwide. We continuously search for and explore innovative technologies that can maximize the benefits of energetic medicine. We provide our clients with information and access to the best, state-of-the-art equipment and software for use in their complementary health practices.
The Quantum iNfinity was divinely inspired by MSIA (Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness) in 2010, during SE’s (spiritual exercises) by transmission to Karen Avalon, founder and CEO of Quantum Life. This transmission was clearly defined, to create an app based on Karen’s experience with the QXCI/SCIO and LIFE System and to make this app affordable, so it would be more easily available for all who are guided to it.