Destiny's 'I Remember' Custom Panel for your Quantum iNfinity!
The 'I Remember' Custom Panel is designed to support retention of information and memory.
Here is a video Destiny has made as a guided meditation to support you in using this Custom Panel. Please Click Here for Video
Do you desire to have great memory?Try this panel out and watch how you start remembering things more and more.As your brain encodes information you want to feed it the best nourishment and energy in order for it to remember each encoding.A complimentary meditation comes free with this panel and it includes the frequencies gamma 40 hz.Gamma oscillation plays a role in binding process or sensory integration, a process by which several brain areas beside primary cortex are activated for higher perception of the received stimulus. Beta oscillation is also involved in interpreting received stimulus and occurs following gamma oscillation, and this process is known as gamma-to-beta transition, a process for neglecting unnecessary stimuli in surrounding environment. Gamma oscillation also associates with cognitive functions, memory and emotion. Therefore, modulation of the brain activity can lead to manipulation of cognitive functions. The stimulus used in this study was 40-Hz binaural beat because binaural beat induces frequency following response. This study aimed to investigate the neural oscillation responding to the 40-Hz binaural beat and to evaluate working memory function and emotional states after listening to that stimulus.Allow the power of your mind to reach its potential by installing these frequencies into your DNA.